Sunday, June 24, 2012

Mainz (including the Gutenberg Museum)

Today we hopped onto the train for a 45 minute ride to Mainz.  Mainz is home of the Gutenberg Museum (Gutenberg invented the first printing press in Mainz), the St. Martin Cathedral, and so much more.

Mainz was awesome.  Upon our arrival, we fed the boys and ourselves.  We found a great restaurant right on the Cathedral Square.

Then off to the Cathedral.  The construction of the Cathedral dates back to at least the 11th Century
 - as in almost a thousand years ago!  It was huge and had all sorts of nooks and crannies.  I have to say, that while it was not the most beautiful cathedral I have ever seen, it was really special and a must see.

We then went to the Gutenberg Museum, which was also very interesting.  We stopped by the demonstration, which was supposed to be amazing, but it was in German so we really weren't able to get much out of it.  We also saw two of the original Gutenberg bibles.  We also spent time in the restroom changing diapers, and a more pleasant time in the gift shop of the museum.

We were running out of time, but we swung by the Kirschgarten (old city square with half-timbered houses) and then tried to see St. Augustine's,  a more modern church than St. Martin Cathedral, as its construction started in 1768.  My sister-in-law barely got in before they closed the doors.  Unfortunately, I did not get in.  Oh well, I guess I will have to come back.



More of Kirschgarten

St. Augustine (look at the ceiling)

On our way through town we saw a few other cool things.

Look at ceiling

Statue in honor of Mainz Carnival

Not sure what this is, but it looked neat.

The boys also enjoyed Mainz (except the part where the other passengers on the train ride home refused to give up their seats so we could park their stroller in the designated stroller area, notwithstanding the fact that there were many empty seats on the train).

See photo of stroller on upper left side of window designating area for stroller.

Anyway, it was a great day trip and one I would highly recommend (and may make again soon).

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