Sunday, September 13, 2009

A pretty Sunday in September

Jaeger went to the vet on Friday. He weighs 20.1 pounds at 15 weeks and . . . he got his last puppy booster! This meant we could take him to the lakefront today!

So on this beautiful September morning, we loaded up the car, and took the kids to the lakefront. We hung out by the water and then ran around in the grass. It was so much fun! Then we went to the dog store. We bought a harness for Jaeger and a really cool water bowl for him, too, and we also looked at some really cool Halloween costumes. They had a dragon costume, a lion costume, all sorts of really nice costumes. But since Jaeger is growing so quickly, we thought we should wait before getting his costume. Hopefully, there will still be some good ones left. Anyway, it was just so great to be out with the family.

When we got home the babies and dad took a nap. It was so nice to see my loved ones peacefully sleeping.

When naptime was over, I went to take Jaeger out; but before we got to the door, he peed on himself, and on me, too... So at the end of a beautiful day, I am reminded that I still have a puppy that pees on people (and himself)...

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