Apparently Jaeger doesn't think he gets enough food. He stalks out Izzy waiting to see when he can steal her food; and the second I turn my back, I'll find him on top of the dining room table!
This behavior is entirely unacceptable.
To keep Jaeger occupied, I bought him some new nylabones. He had already gotten Izzy's small nylabone fish so I bough him a bigger nylabone fish. He loved it!
He loved it so much, that he didn't stop at chewing on it. He decided to eat it, too. And then he woke us up this morning vomiting (best way to wake up - gotta love it). Since I didn't have my glasses on, I couldn't see the vomit and was trying to stop him from eating it (yummy), but he had already gotten some of it (he's a hungry boy), but then I heard him chewing on something hard.... Huh? Vomit isn't usually hard. Then I realized, he was eating pieces of the nylabone fish he had eaten during the night...
I swear I read that nylabones were safe toys to leave with your puppy unattended. But when I ran to the computer to research if Jaeger would be okay after eating nylabone, I learned that dogs frequently eat it and it can get dangerously lodged in their intestines. Great... Please let us not have to return to the vet or the animal hospital!
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