Saturday, May 26, 2012

A lovely Saturday...

This Saturday, my husband, the boys, and I wandered around Frankfurt with no particular destination in mind.  After stops at the children's shoe store (for shoes for the boys to wear so they can practice standing/walking when bare feet are not a good idea) and at the store to pick up the amazing bag my husband got me for my birthday, we ended up in Sachsenhausen, an area within Frankfurt that is across the river from downtown Frankfurt.

Sachsenhausen has a more hip, urban neighborhood feel.  There are a lot of shops, restaurants, bars, and people walking about.  Sachenhausen has fame for its apfelwein (apple wine) served in its ciderhouses.  We stopped at the Adolf Wagner ciderhouse and enjoyed amazing food and apfelwein.  The boys decided to wake up for our meal and enjoyed bottles of formula and pureed fruit.

We then walked to the Staedel Museum.  The Staedel houses a significant collection of art.

We did just a "walk-through" to get a sense of the place.  We will be back though because we bought a pass to visit all of the Frankfurt museums without further charge.  Anyway, the Museum is set up by theme (within periods) and will be great to re-visit.  This painting stood out to us today - more as something we would put in our home than as a though-provoking piece.

On the way back across (and along) the river, I snapped some more pictures of Frankfurt.

Anyway, it was a great day, especially the part where I got to spend it with my little family (minus the puppies).

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