Friday, June 15, 2012

Rudesheim at last!

My sister in law and I went to Rudesheim last week. I read about the town in a book about day trips from various points in Germany. Rudesheim is just an hour away from Frankfurt, so it's a perfect day trip. The book talked about a couple of good museums (a wine museum, a self playing musical instrument museum, and the Bingen historical museum) and other attractions (chair lift, cable car, old hunting lodge, and unification statue). Unfortunately, we didn't make it to any of them due to time constraints. We just walked up the famous Drosselgasse looked around, had lunch, and headed home. It is definitely a cute town as you can see.

But I don't know that it's more cute than Assmanhausen, which is far less touristy. That being said, there is a reason Rudesheim attracts tourists other than its cuteness and I am hoping next time, we can check out the many attractions we missed.

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