Thursday, July 26, 2012


Last week, we went to Wurzburg, Germany.  We didn't get to see a lot but we definitely enjoyed what we did see:  the Residence, the bridge, and a few churches.

We actually toured the Residence.  Tours in English take place only twice a day and we just made it on time.  The mirrored room was absolutely amazing - it was recreated after the 1945 bombings destroyed the original room but it was recreated exactly to its original form.  Before the war, a museum curator went through the Residence, removed anything that could be removed from the Residence, and took tons of pictures and any necessary information to recreate anything that might be damaged.  He actually tried to remove the mirrors, but they broke - you can see the actual first piece that broke off.  They used it to make sure the recreation was perfect.  The White Hall was also really interesting - there is all of this detailed stucco work in this huge room - all completed by one man in just a few months!  Apparently, he tried to find help but no one was good enough.  (It IS hard to find good help :)  He died insane, kind of hard for that not to happen after staring at so much detail.   I wish we could have taken pictures of the interior, but alas, no photographs were permitted.  After the tour, we visited the gardens, which were beautiful.  We fed Will right there on a bench behind the Residence.

After the Residence, we only had about an hour left.  We headed to the Bridge, snapping photos of churches, and running into them when we could.

Above: New Minister Church

 Above: Dom St. Kilian

Above: Falcon House (exempted from taxes originally for enhancing the beauty of the city) and church that I am still trying to identify...

Above: Marienberg Fortress

Above: Old Bridge - tons of children playing on the statues with the river beneath them (seemed dangerous to me)

Above:  On Old Main Bridge taking photos of Marienberg Fortress

The Bridge and the view from it were pretty cool.  I would like to go back and check out some of the other attractions, especially Marienberg Fortress, the castle looking building overlooking the river in the some of the photos above.

Anyway, another interesting trip!

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