Sunday, September 23, 2012

Play date at the Lake

A month or so ago, while looking for a restaurant outside our neighborhood to have lunch, my husband and I saw another Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever.  We were very excited (as Tollers are fairly uncommon) and approached its owners.  They were very friendly and told us all about their dog.  They had a really hard time getting a Duck Toller - even harder than we had.  Duck Toller breeders are very careful about selecting owners that will properly care for the dogs and utilize their unique qualities.  We talked about getting our dogs together and exchanged contact information.

Lo and behold, the Toller's owner contacted us and we met up to walk to a "nearby" lake.  The lake was not really "nearby."  It was about 2 miles away from the train stop - quite a walk with our large entourage (the boys in the jogging stroller, Izzy underneath the stroller in the diaper bag holder, and Jaeger trotting alongside).  The round trip walk to the lake, and then around the lake, was SIX MILES.  

Although we weren't expecting such a walk, the lake was gorgeous and the dogs had a blast!  Jaeger and Cira (his new Toller friend) jumped into the lake to swim and chase after balls.  Izzy loved it when other dogs joined the group - she chased after them and made sure they all knew that she was the boss.  

I wish I could have gotten better photos but it was hard with the light and while trying to juggle the stroller, the boys, and two dogs (even with my husband's help).  

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