Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Our little Izzy has had a rough couple of years between the pregnancy and the arrival of the boys.  She had previously been our only child, our precious little princess.  Sometimes it feels as if she gets less attention than anyone now (not that she doesn't get any love - she definitely does).  

Anyway, she is still a sassy, spunky little girl.  She definitely views herself as the "pack leader" of the babies (the babies being her, Jaeger, and the boys).  She LOVES to reprimand Jaeger and tries to reprimand the boys, too (until I stop her).  A typical scenario:  my husband reprimanding the boys, Jaeger barking at my husband in protest and to protect the boys, and Izzy barking at Jaeger for barking at my husband! 

She also LOVES to jump into the boys' stroller, often when we aren't intending to bring her along.  Typically, this is not a problem as she just hangs out there.

However, on one of our outings, while ordering lunch at a restaurant, I heard a jingle and saw a white fluffy something out of the corner of my eye.  It was Izzy running around the restaurant looking for crumbs on the floor!

I couldn't believe it and was so embarrassed.  Oh well, I love her so much.  I want to find more time for her and just all around give her more attention.  She really deserves every bit of attention and love I can give her.  She is the best little girl in the whole world!

Love you, Izzy!

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