Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Will's lost glasses

Will has had glasses for a few weeks now.  Keeping glasses on a one year old boy is not easy...  (Yes, the same is true for shoes, at least for Will.)

Anyway, after walking/hiking an hour or so around a lake in a forest and having finally made our way out, we realized that Will had thrown his glasses somewhere on the mostly leaf covered walking trail.  

We turned to our camera for clues (thank goodness I took over 300 photos).  The photos allowed us to identify when the glasses went missing.  However, even with some idea as to when the glasses went missing, it was a nearly impossible task to find the glasses.

Luckily, my husband has awesome eyes and found the glasses hanging from a tree.  Basically, once a week, he comes to the rescue to find whatever expensive item the boys' lost that week.  Thank goodness!  My husband, my hero!

Here's Will taking off his glasses (missed that minor detail while taking pictures)

Here is where someone hung the glasses after finding them.  

How my husband saw these glasses hanging from this tree is beyond me!

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