Thursday, July 18, 2013

Last Week in Review

Last week was quite a week.  I kept meaning to post blogs about the non-stop shenanigans of my boys, but I just didn't have a chance (well, I had a few chances, but I was mostly in an exhausted stupor).  

1.  Will threw is his shoe into the flamingo pond.  No flamingoes were injured.  And we were not banned from the zoo.  Give it time though.  Shoe was recused.  See separate post.

2.  Will fell off the kitchen table, while three adults were "supervising."  The boys kept using the chairs to get on the table and we kept taking them off the table, but Will got on, and fell, before we had a chance to do so that one time.  For the life of me, I don't know why we just didn't move the chairs, like we always do (probably in an exhausted stupor).  The pediatrician sent us to the ER.  My poor husband went, while I stayed with a hysterical Jack.  We paid the $150 co-pay (for maybe our 6th time this year) and were told that Will was fine.  Great news!  Also were told that we shouldn't bother to come to the ER for this kind of incident and to ignore the pediatrician's advice.  Hmmm.

3.  I ran over Will with the stroller.  See separate post.

4.  The boys' are AGAIN all about the drawers and cabinets.  Not all of them can be child-proofed because they are frameless and there is nothing to attach the child proof lock onto.  So frustrating.  And frustrating to keep pulling the boys out of the drawers and to have our counters covered with things I don't want to the boys to get into.  I thought I was going to lose my mind that afternoon.  (Okay, I admittedly feel this way on a regular basis.)

5. We had several poo parties.  They are not fun and have nothing to do with Winnie the Pooh.  The boys do, however, like Winnie the Pooh, and are obsessed with bears (including elephants, which they keep calling bears).  By the way, in an effort to help the boys learn that elephants are not bears, I  wanted to see if any of the Chicago area zoos had elephants (I assumed they would - as I always thought that they were popular to see).  To my shock, I discovered that none of the zoos in Illinois have elephants.  Well, my hometown zoo does/did, but they have had to lend them out so they can improve and expand the elephants' winter space.

6.  While at Target, the boys escaped their stroller.  Luckily, this did not result in me running over one or both of them.  Instead, they took off in different directions and in the one second before I could grab Will, he took off his shorts and his diaper.  He stood their naked while many people looked on.  I have now found a way to tie the boys to the stroller (and may post instructions in a separate post).  I was unable to discern if people were looking at me and the boys judgmentally or with amusement.  I hope it was the latter.

We have had more fun this week.  I am not sure I should post just how much fun we have as I might be building a case for DCFS to take the boys away from me.  The boys may drive me crazy and constantly challenge me, but I do love them more than anything in the world and could not live without them.  All too soon, they will be be past this "fun" stage and I will be looking back at this time with much nostalgia and wishing I could go back in time.  

Seriously, I have been giving them a lot of extra hugs and kisses lately in full realization that they will be big boys before I know it.  (I can only imagine the trouble they may cause as teenagers.)

Until then, they are my precious little angels.  Most of the time, or at least while they are sleeping.

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