Saturday, January 7, 2012

Four Month Appointment with Pediatrician

My husband was supposed to go to the twin's four month appointment with me. His work had other ideas. So, I was abandoned. Frankly, I don't think he gets how hard it is for me to go anywhere with the twins. I mean, you try hauling two cars seats down stairs, squeeze through a tight garage with said car seats and then fit the car seats into the car (after not being able to open the car doors all the way). It's hard work. But it's hard work to even get to that point.

I won't bore you with the details, but getting ready involved me getting peed on twice, two outfit changes for me (a change after each unexpected shower of urine), two outfit changes for Twin B, and one outfit change for Twin A.

Then I had to find parking, get the babies out of the car and then carry their heavy (even if little) bodies in their super heavy car seats into the pediatrician's office. I was sweating by the time I walked in. (Did I mention I couldn't shower after the second time I was peed on? So I am hot, sweaty, and have urine on my chest and legs (but under clean clothes).)

The appointment then involved two number two diapers, one feeding (of both babies), two screaming babies (they did get three shots, after all), and four outfit changes for Twin B (whose acid reflux decided to wage a major attack against us all that day), and, of course, the actual exam and vaccinations. Luckily, the boys are doing well. And, that is al that matters.

When we got home, the boys happily played and napped (but still required even more outfit changes, dang reflex) but four hours later, the twins were screaming hysterically. I mean SCREAMING! And they would not stop. Thank goodness my husband was home and my in-laws were on their way for a weekend visit. Help was on the way!

But, we don't just have two babies, we have two others and Izzy had gotten into something quite unmentionable and vomited big time all over the wood floors.

After, the boys were somewhat settled down and in the arms of my in-laws, my poor exhausted husband bathed Izzy and my completely drained self dried her. What a night!

Then Izzy threw up again - this time on the bathroom floor. Then she threw up again - this time in bed. Then my husband stepped in more vomit (on the bedroom floor). Seriously????

We need a vacation. Or a team of full-time helpers.... Maybe, both???? A girl can dream....

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